March 11

Ways IoT Is Changing Digital Marketing

Big data is becoming the sand on which empires are built. The proliferation of smart devices and the Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing digital marketing in profound ways. Used in marketing, IoT can collect customer information in ways that the last century's marketers could never achieve.

How IoT Impacts Digital Marketing

IoT is now impacting search engines, SEO, and web content, as search strings are moving toward natural conversational speech. One of the emerging SEO trends is to create personalized content for different target audience segments regarding specific criteria, such as geolocation.

Keep in mind that the goal of smart technology is to move toward user convenience and efficiency. Many consumers choose to download an establishment's app, which gives them access to deals in exchange for the company collecting consumer response data. Here are some of the most visible ways IoT is changing digital marketing:

  • IoT Can Drive 100% CTR - In the future, advertising will become more aligned with personalized consumer tastes and behaviors. As smart technology evolves, ads will become more specifically targeted for certain market sectors.
  • Next Frontier for Social Media - IoT helps automate the processes involved with social media marketing. It can generate automated posts and present interesting data that can't be found elsewhere. Personalized ads will become more common on social platforms.
  • The New Smart Economy - Even though AI and automation are replacing redundant jobs, more analytical and meaningful jobs are being created from IoT. Countries that adopt IoT on a widespread level have expanded online job opportunities in digital marketing, since human experts are still needed to implement digital marketing strategies.
  • SEO's Shift to Intention-Based Writing - In recent years, IoT is causing a shift in digital marketing from keyword-based SEO content to intention-based writing. Search engines are now ranking web pages built on natural spoken language rather than keywords.
  • How IoT Is Changing Product Development - Traditionally, product development was shaped by customer feedback over time. These days, smart technology can give manufacturers and marketers instant consumer feedback, which is accelerating the pace of product development to meet customer satisfaction.
  • Easier to Analyze Customer Behavior - IoT delivers a wealth of analytics that reveal customer purchasing patterns that at one time might have been overlooked. Manufacturers can use IoT data to gauge past, current, and future buying trends.
  • Using Data for Predictive Advertising - IoT provides enormous benefits to digital marketers by collecting customer information that can shape future advertising messages in a personalized manner.
  • Why Personalization Matters - More than ever, consumers want to know that a company they buy from cares about their personal needs. Personalized messages help optimize engagement with target followers and are becoming increasingly vital in diverse campaigns.
  • Power of Marketing Automation - Thanks to improved marketing automation platforms, digital markets no longer need to collect customer data incrementally over a long period. Modern marketing automation platforms give you the power to organize customer marketing lists and link each individual to a profile about their purchasing history. This information can be used to automate personalized messages.
  • Engaging More with Followers - Shoppers can use their smartphone to scan the QR code of a product, which gives them access to deeper product information and potential rewards.

Ultimately, the practice of companies connecting directly with consumer smartphones and other devices has become the basis for data collection and IoT's impact on digital marketing.


Digital marketers must keep up with IoT solutions to remain competitive in the marketing sector. Developing relationships with customers based on data about them has proven to be a powerful way to build a loyal following. As companies become smarter about their customers, thanks to IoT, they will be able to deliver the most appropriate ads to each individual.


digital marketing, marketing automation, personalization, SEO

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